Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We Thought We'd Have Some Answers By Now

Well, the title pretty much sums it all up. Rayleigh is 2 1/2 years old. We've been on the epilepsy road for over 2 years with no explanation of why. We finally found a genetic disorder that she really seems to fit (CDKL5) but the results are taking FOREVER! Or at least it feels like it.

I've been calling the epileptologist's office twice a week, every week, for the past month to check on the status or see if they've gotten the results and every time I hear the same thing "We have the results for the Rett Syndrome test and they are negative, we are not showing any other DNA results back."

Then I have to go through and explain the specific EIEE test that we had saved and earned money for to get Bug tested for CDKL5 along with 2 other rare genetic disorders.

I did this last Friday and his nurse said, "There's a DNA test result in here, has Dr. Ng called you with the results?" I informed her that the only results we've received were through the mail and were negative Rett test and normal glucose levels. She said that she would flag that test and have Dr. Ng call us.

Then she called us today and said that Dr. Ng reviewed all of the test results on her file and she is negative for Rett. I was thinking "Are you kidding me?!? I get it. No Rett. That is not what I have been calling about." So I politely asked if there are any other genetic tests that have come back and explained exactly which test results we were waiting on and she said that those results weren't in there but she would talk to the epileptologist and get back to us shortly with either the results or the status of the testing. She didn't return my call today so I'm expecting to hear back from her tomorrow morning - or I'll be calling again, the nagging patient gets the results (my father-in-law always says "The squeaky wheel gets the oil").

I just don't understand what could be taking so long and why there is so little I can do from my end. I am one frustrated mommy tonight.

I keep trying to reassure myself by saying things like "What's one more day? It's been this long already." But seriously, I want to know yesterday!!! That being said, I went ahead and joined the CDKL5 group on Facebook as suggested by a friend and they really feel like family already. So I'll keep focusing on the positive and nagging nurses and waiting (impatiently) until those results come in. And I promise to keep you posted :)

Bug's current medications & control:

  • Ketogenic Diet 3.5:1 ratio
  • Onfi/Clobazam, 10mg: 1 pill 3 times a day
  • Vimpat, 25 mg once at night 
  • Lamictal, 25mg: 3 pills twice a day - just started this dose today, full dose 
Unfortunately, Bug's seizures are still at 2-5 seizures a day, they continue to happen mostly at night after she falls asleep. She has not been napping as a side effect of going up on Lamictal. We hope to get naps back after she has stabilized on the full dose, we'll see.

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